We recognize the importance of environmental stewardship and we demonstrate our commitment to sustainability through initiatives at our corporate offices, development projects and to the extent possible our triple-net or absolute-net lease properties. Materially all of our leases are triple-net or absolute-net leases, which means our tenants have ultimate responsibility for deciding when and how to implement environmentally sustainable practices at the hospitals they operate. However, we communicate regularly with our tenants regarding important sustainability matters.
Sustainability Matters at MPT
We recognize that our operations generate waste and use energy, which results in increased greenhouse gas emissions and negatively impacts the environment. Our environmental sustainability initiatives focus on implementing environmental improvements and risk management practices in our operations and development practices, as well as increasing dialogue with our tenants on opportunities across our hospital portfolio to reduce our environmental impact. To better understand the current operations at our facilities, and identify opportunities for environmental improvements, we utilize a third party to conduct physical inspections of our facilities. All of this helps us make a meaningful impact.
Named "One of America's
Most Responsible Companies" in 2024
by Newsweek and Statista in an independent survey.
Corporate Offices

BREEAM Excellent


New Headquarters Project
For all our corporate offices, we continually look for ways within our control to reduce the impact our operations have on the environment. Since 2021, all our newly executed corporate office leases have been recognized as sustainable buildings through various green building frameworks. MPT plans to maintain this standard moving forward, including the development of our new headquarters in Birmingham which broke ground in October 2022. For more information on the development, see the 'Headquarters Project' page.
Real Estate Portfolio

Pihlajalinna Turku Kupittaa
LEED Platnium
Turku, Finland
10,159 sq m

Pihlajalinna Pikku Huopalahti
Helsinki, Finland
82,629 sq ft

Pihlajalinna Kuopio Leväsentie
LEED Platnium
Kupio, Finland
74,239 sq ft

Pihlajalinna Hiironen
Oulu, Finland
100,052 sq ft
MPT is committed to working with our operators to reduce our portfolio’s carbon footprint and water consumption. In doing so, we are committed to collecting monthly energy, water, and waste consumption data on at least an annual basis. As we work to increase our data collection to cover an increasingly greater portion of our portfolio, our team is available to assist our tenants in recording the data in ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager® or other data management tools. We are also committed to increasing our energy data transparency and helping our tenants to be more sustainable, and therefore will disclose whole-building ENERGY STAR scores annually to tenants upon request when available.
As a triple-net landlord, we rely on strong tenant relationships to gather additional information or engage in ESG projects. With the growing emphasis on ESG in our stakeholder community and our own internal goals, we recognize the benefits of supplementing these relationships with contractual provisions. Our form lease includes green provisions like environmental data sharing and establishing an energy efficiency plan.
Through these efforts, MPT earned the Green Lease Leaders Gold Designation from the Institute for Market Transformation and the U.S. Department of Energy's Better Buildings Alliance. We look forward to continued engagement with the Green Lease Leaders program, strong alignment with sustainability best practices, and better understanding of our triple-net landlord/tenant relationships.